Design Arquitectura  



IDEA é um poderoso ambiente Arquitectónico, feito numa forma amigável e flexível para ir de encontro com as necessidades de qualquer  arquitecto, incluindo avançado design arquitectónico, «rendering» e «virtual walkthrough». IDEA adopta a moderna estrutura BIM, para um inteligente modelo de formas (model shaping) e alta precisão no design, nativamente aplicada no modelo real 3D de Construção (Building Model). IDEA usa a alta performance do motor 4MCAD, assegurando todas as usuais funções e funcionalidades CAD desde que foram introduzidas no AutoCAD (*), e ao mesmo tempo assegura uma comunicação aberta entre os utilizadores CAD usando o formato DWG (opendwg).

A estrutura inteligente da Informação de Construção assegura um avançado  ambiente de modelação sem limitações, assim como impressionantes performances e velocidades CAD (particularmente em operações de visualização e de «snapping»).  Adicionalmente proporciona uma integração perfeita (seamlessly) de componentes  CAD com o componente de cálculo aonde quer que sejam envolvidos cálculos.

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IDEA v.24: Novas funcionalidades



- Redesenho total do motor principal do IDEA sobre o atual 4MCAD, baseado nas mais recentes bibliotecas ITC e ODA e numa arquitetura de 64bits.

- Composição Arquitetónica 3D BIM num ambiente-interface atualizado de elevada ergonomia e funcionalidade, com uma multiplicidade de novas ferramentas e um desempenho de desenho incomparável, em relação à versão anterior IDEA19.

- Leitura de ficheiros Revit (formato rvt), para uma comunicação aberta com os ficheiros BIM.



- Nova interface actualizada, idêntica ao Autocad

- Possibilidade de visualizar a Ribbon e a barra de menus em simultâneo

- Paletas de ferramentas

- Velocidades de zoom/pan, significativamente mais rápidas (motor de visualização atualizado)

- Leitura/escrita e abertura/gravação de ficheiros mais rápidas

- Desempenho significativamente superior, na gestão do modelo BIM 3D, graças ao novo motor de desenho (3 gerações superior ao do IDEA19)

- Grupos AutoREG, AutoBLD e PhotoIDEA, enriquecidos

- Maior supervisão com a visualização de contornos de pavimentos subjacentes e sobrepostos


Topografia (AutoREG)

- Capacidade de importar pontos, diretamente de um ficheiro ou de uma referência externa, para criar um gráfico 3D ou 2D

- Possibilidade de selecionar pontos com uma janela, durante a definição de um traçado.

- Nova caixa de diálogo de definição de traçado 3D, com a possibilidade de definir a partir de pontos ou triângulos.

- Nova caixa de diálogo para a definição de um traçado 2D que permite definir a partir de uma polilinha ou de um traçado 3D.

- Possibilidade de modificar a cor e o tipo de linhas, nos vários lados do traçado.

- Nova edição de parcelas 3D, com a possibilidade de criar escavações.

- Projeção da parcela sobre a cartografia florestal e o cadastro


Composição arquitetónica (AutoBLD)

- Gestão de aberturas, para a criação de qualquer tipo de abertura

- Criação e edição de Fachadas

- Criação de Aberturas Múltiplas (abertura retangular constituída por repetições horizontais e verticais, da abertura selecionada na biblioteca do programa)

- Possibilidade de colocação de Persianas

- Possibilidade de colocação de estantes horizontais 3D

- Possibilidade de colocar estantes inclinadas

- Leitura de ficheiros Revit (Rvt) para a envolvente do edifício

- Novo comando "matchproperties", para todas as entidades do edifício e para a “transferência” direta de propriedades, de uma entidade para outra, individualmente ou em bloco, para uma ou mais caraterísticas

- Possibilidade de criar uma Laje, a partir de paredes

- Possibilidade de unir pilares com o teto (para além da ligação das paredes ao teto)

- Maior supervisão durante a formação da cobertura com o contorno do piso subjacente e sobreposto





The easiest Switch for CAD users to 3D and BIM 

IDEA Architecture offers advanced 3D BIM modeling within an AutoCAD-like look and feel. You only need to master very simple 2D commands like polylines, entity snaps, copy... and you will soon be drawing in 3D using our libraries of 3D BIM objects.


Draw like in 2D and get the 3D Building

You just need to draw the floor plans using the intelligent and parametric objects of our AutoBLD menu and IDEA Architecture will build the 3D from it. A simple double-click on any of our objects will display its properties for an easy modification.

The best compatibility with AutoCAD

Unlike other BIM Architectural Software, IDEA Architecture uses DWG as its native file format and includes features to convert the 3D BIM objects into simple vectors that can be further viewed and modified in AutoCAD®. You can therefore freely share 2D or 3D files with most of CAD users. 

Includes a full CAD Software

Our Architectural Software includes all the features of 4MCAD , our alternative to AutoCAD®. You get 2 software in one, you have the BIM features for advanced 3D design and all the CAD features to edit some DWG drawings.


Draw in 2D and 3D faster and easie
Unlike in other BIM software, IDEA Architecture's advanced and very intuitive 3D BIM technology does not come at the expense of speed, it is just the opposite : you draw in 3D even faster than you used to in 2D with CAD software and much easier.
Smart 3D Modeler for Roofs and Stairs
Roofs and stairs are very complex to design in 3D but with our Architectural Software it just requires a few clicks. You can create any kind of shape and adjust the size, options and materials.
Draw faster than with CAD Software
Our Architectural Software includes extensive libraries of 3D intelligent and parametric objects. Instead of drawing each line you just need to choose the object and define its size, materials and options and IDEA Architecture will draw it in 2D and 3D. Besides the software knows how the objects interact one with the other and performs many tasks automatically, saving you a lot of time.

Draw faster than with other Architectural Software
Compared to Revit® or ArchiCAD®, IDEA Architecture is much easier to use and faster. All our 3D BIM objects can be defined either by a few points or a polyline. Using a command as simple as the polyline you can create any kind of custom shape of 3D BIM object: much less clicks are required, you get all the power of BIM but not at the expense of speed or ease of use.


All the 2D drawings in DWG out of the 3D BIM Model

An Architectural project requires tens if not hundreds of 2D drawings to show the building and all its characteristics. IDEA Architecture will help you to generate them in a few clicks and keep them updated in real-time.

Floor Plans, Cross Sections, Elevations, Perspective Views

In IDEA Architecture you just need to create each floor plan either in 2D or 3D view. Then the software will help you to create all the different views you need and add them to the Project tree on the left.

Print them as in Autocad

These 2D views will be extracted from the 3D and our Architectural Software will keep them updated while you modify the project. You save a lot of time while you would have to have created all these drawings by hand and manually updated if you were using a CAD Software like AutoCAD® or 4MCAD.

Using our AutoCAD-like environment you can define layouts and add on them whatever you like using the CAD features such as a drawing detail of the roof or an annotation.

Share them with CAD users

All these drawings are in DWG and you can convert the BIM objects into simple vectors and blocks if you want to share them with non-BIM users. CAD Software like AutoCAD® or 4MCAD cannot read BIM objects because they don't have a BIM technology but using our feature "Screen drawing" you can send them DWG files they will be able to read and modify.


Give life to your projects with our 3D Rendering features

Our Architectural Software includes advanced rendering features to give life to your projects with 3D furnitures, rendered images and walk-through videos.

3D Furniture and Material Libraries

IDEA Architecture includes libraries of modern 3D blocks of furnitures and objects to insert in your building. You can edit the colors and materials of these objects to get exactly what you expected.

We provide also an extensive library of materials and you can add you own ones by importing images. You can attach up to 256 different materials in each project.

Real Time OpenGL Rendering

The real-time rendering offers you the possibility to see your project and keep rendering while you move, rotate, modify or even walk inside your project.

Walkthrough Videos

Our WalkIDEA menu helps you to create a path and export the model to the Walk-through video module provided with IDEA Architecture.

You will be able to create videos like if you were walking inside or outside your building. You can also attach 6 background images to create a 360° background and show your project on site. 

Photorealistic Rendering with IDEA Architecture

In IDEA Architecture you will find a complete set of feature for photo-realistic rendering and work out the materials, lights, background... Several quality levels are available to define all these parameters before performing the full Optical rendering to get the highest quality. 

Import/Export with Google Earth

Background images can be extracted from Google Earth and Google Street view and you can export you project to show it in Google Earth. 

Render with External Rendering Software

IDEA Architecture's in-built rendering features will satisfy most of your needs but if you want to collaborate with rendering experts or simply use your favorite rendering software, it is good to know that you can export to .3ds or Collada format or use the DWG format. As a result you will be able to use rendering software like V-Ray® or Artlantis® to create breathtaking images of your project.



Feel the power of BIM Software for Architectural Design

4M is a pioneer of BIM with a complete suite of BIM Software for Architecture & Engineering initiated in 1993. The 4M BIM Software are reknown by experts to be the BIM software offering the easiest migration for AutoCAD users as they are the only ones to use DWG as their native file format and an AutoCAD-like look-and-feel.

BIM Design in IDEA Architecture

IDEA Architecture's advanced BIM technology will increase your productivity. Using our smart 3D modelers and libraries of 3D BIM objects you will be able to draw much faster and easier.

You just need to work on the floor plans either in 2D or 3D view and our BIM Software will generate the 3D Model. Next you will extract all the 2D drawings you need from this 3D BIM model and IDEA Architecture will keep them updated in real-time.

Bill of Materials

The BIM information can also be extracted to create a Bill of Materials showing the quantities and surfaces of the various objects you created in the building. This file can be further edited in Excel to for example calculate the cost of your building.




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